Cataract Lenses: Private treatment for a better choice

  • January 18, 2023
  • Eye Treatment
  • Patient News

Cataract Lenses: Private treatment for a better choice

A cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye, which affects almost all Australians at some point in their lifetime. At Queensland Eye and Retina Specialists, it is our priority to deliver premium eye care, offering numerous cataract lens options to meet your unique needs.

Generally, cataracts are caused by aging, but the condition may also be linked to diabetes, previous eye injuries, and lifestyle choices such as smoking and alcohol consumption. This clouding of the lens leads to increased sensitivity of the eye, due to light fibres in the lens becoming opaque. Driving, reading and many other important everyday activities are impacted as a result of the cataracts, and therefore, the insertion of a clear intraocular lens (IOL), through ocular surgery, will not only improve your vision, but also your quality of life.

Patients opting to receive cataract surgery at a public hospital, are often limited in the choice and configuration of the lenses, and must accept what is available. Plus, because the treatment is not life threatening, there may also be a long waiting list for the surgery.

Choosing to go private, and depending on the stage and complexity of your cataract, as well as your personal visual needs, we can help you choose an IOL most suited to your day-to-day needs. To provide all patients with high-quality, personal cataract care, we offer a wide range of replacement lenses, including monofocal, toric, extended vision and diffractive trifocal lenses.

Monofocal lenses are the most common lenses used in cataract surgery, and allow patients the ability to regain clear vision of objects at far distances. Intermediate vision becomes less clear, and near vision is often challenging with this lens. If you needed glasses  before surgery, then you will be likely to still need them post-surgery.

We also offer monofocal toric IOLs, which correct astigmatism, short-sightedness or long-sightedness, by balancing horizontal and vertical light reception.

Extended vision IOLs are one of the newest developments in the technology of cataract treatment. This lens allows for clear vision across far and intermediate distances; however, glasses are still recommended for viewing smaller objects or fine text. One key benefit of this lens is its lack of glare and halo creation, increasing your viewing quality.

For patients desiring clear vision across all distances, diffractive trifocal lenses may be suitable. Through splitting the light received by the eye to multiple focal zones, this IOL allows for visual flexibility; however, halos and glares often result from this cataract lens. Individuals who have astigmatism, are prone to other eye diseases, or are short-sighted may not be eligible for multifocal lenses due to increased risks of complications. Our specialists at Queensland Eye and Retina Specialists can help you navigate this decision.

Together with this extensive range of lenses, there is also the option to split lens choices between the left eye and the right. Choosing one lens in one eye for near vision, and the other focused further away can take away the need to wear glasses, but this option is not suitable for all, as one in five people cannot adjust to the sensation of having the split focus.

Often, people will have a trial run using split focusing contact lenses, before surgery commence.

Have you noticed changes in your vision? Are you seeking professional and targeted cataract treatment, and are you limited by the options available in the public system?

Contact Queensland Eye and Retina Specialists today, and enjoy a future with greater vision and eye health.

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