Regular Eye Checks: Proactive Health Care

  • August 22, 2023
  • Eye Conditions
  • Eye Treatment
  • Patient News

Regular Eye Checks: Proactive Health Care


Eyes are often referred to as the ‘windows to the soul’, but they also serve as windows to your health. Regular eye checks are incredibly important for your wellness and life quality; they are crucial aspects of proactive healthcare, not simply about getting a new prescription. Studies show that approximately 90% of Australian vision impairment and blindness can be treated or prevented through early detection. At Queensland Eye and Retina Surgeons, we are passionate about early detection eye care, and want you to understand your options for optimal health. 

Why are Eye Checks Important?

Eye checks are vital for several reasons, including the following:

  • Early detection of eye diseases: Many eye conditions, such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy, have minimal symptoms in their early stages. Regular eye tests can detect these issues when they are more treatable.
  • General health indicators: The eyes can provide insight into your overall health. Eye exams may reveal signs of conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and certain types of cancer.
  • Updating prescriptions: If you already wear glasses or contact lenses, regular eye tests ensure that your prescription is accurate and up-to-date, providing optimal visual clarity.
  • Children’s visual development: Early childhood is a critical period for visual development. Regular eye exams for children can help identify and address issues that may hinder their learning and development.

What Assessments are Involved in Routine Eye Checks?

Your routine eye check may include varying assessments depending on your unique needs, conditions, risk factors, lifestyle, and personal details. Generally, the following tests are implemented to evaluate eye function and health:

  • Visual acuity test: The familiar eye chart test measures how well you can see objects – usually letters, numbers, and shapes – at different distances, helping determine if you have nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism.
  • Refraction test: This test determines your precise eyeglass or contact lens prescription by assessing how your eyes focus light.
  • Tonometry: This test measures the intraocular pressure of your eyes, helping diagnose glaucoma, a condition characterised by increased eye pressure. This test may involve a pressure-sensitive probe or a machine-initiated puff of air.
  • Ophthalmoscopy: During this examination, the health professional examines the back of your eye, including the retina, optic nerve, and blood vessels, using specialised instruments such as a biomicroscope and volk lens or a binocular indirect ophthalmoscope.
  • Visual field test: This assesses your peripheral vision and is crucial for detecting conditions such as glaucoma that can impact your side vision.
  • External eye check: The health professional examines the front of the eye, checking the lens, cornea, and iris for abnormalities that may indicate cataracts or other eye conditions.

Eye tests also involve a discussion of general health and family medical history.

Can I Check My Eyesight at Home?

While you can perform some basic tests to check your eyesight at home, these tests are not a substitute for a comprehensive eye check conducted by a qualified eye care professional. While at-home tests can give you a general idea of your visual acuity, they may not detect underlying eye conditions or other health issues.

How Often Should I Get My Eyes Checked?

It is recommended that you receive a comprehensive eye check every two or three years. Children should start receiving eye checks just before they begin schooling. Individuals over 65 years should have their eyes tested once a year. Should you experience any vision impairment, concerns, or discomfort, you should book an eye check, regardless of the time since your last assessment.

For patients under 65 years, Medicare covers an eye check every three years, and for patients over 65 years, Medicare covers a yearly eye test.

Who Can Perform an Eye Test?

Qualified and skilled eye care professionals are responsible for conducting eye tests. Depending on your needs and conditions, you should book an appointment with one of the following professionals for an eye check:

  • Optometrists: Optometrists provide vision tests and prescriptions for glasses. These health professionals are usually an individual’s first point of call for eye examinations.
  • Orthoptists: Orthoptists are experts in diagnosing and treating eye movement and coordination disorders and may perform specific vision checks.
  • Ophthalmologists: Ophthalmologists are medical doctors who specialise in eye care, diagnosing and treating complex eye conditions. If you are suspected to have a complex eye condition, you may be referred to an ophthalmologist – such as the specialists at QERS – for in-depth eye checks.

What Happens Next?

After your eye check, you can expect several possible outcomes:

No Action Required

If your eyes are healthy and your prescription is stable, your eye care professional may simply recommend regular follow-up visits to monitor any changes.

Updated Prescription

If your vision has changed, you’ll receive an updated glasses or contact lenses prescription.

Referral for Further Evaluation

If an eye disease or other health issue is suspected, your eye care professional may refer you to a specialist for more advanced testing and treatment. Request a referral to QERS for quality, patient-centred eye care.

Treatment Plan

If you are diagnosed with an eye condition, your eye care professional will create a personalised treatment plan. This could involve prescription eye drops, medication, or surgery, depending on the condition’s severity.

Regular eye checks are a cornerstone of preventive healthcare. They go beyond improving your present vision; they can detect potentially serious eye and health issues in their early stages. Your eyes deserve the best care, and regular eye tests are a proactive step toward maintaining clear vision and optimal health throughout your life.

For more information about regular eye checks in Queensland, click here. For patients experiencing complex eye conditions, contact QERS for tailored Brisbane-based eye assessments aimed at accurate diagnosis and proper treatment. We are your partners in eye care, and the doctors at our clinic provide premium services for your wellness.

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